Thursday, October 31, 2019

U.S. and Nevada Constitutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

U.S. and Nevada Constitutions - Essay Example ed by Bowers that â€Å"the incredibly short span of three years from territory to statehood and the events predating and surrounding that transition make the Nevada Constitution a truly exceptional document† (12). Due to several amendments made to this constitution, it has ended up with more words and more details as compared to the United States constitution; it is more deeply descriptive, while the U.S.’s is more general in terms of its structure. As per the constitution of Nevada, it has 19 articles that describe the basic laws ranging from the organization of the government, power distribution within the government institutions, and the bill of rights meant to protect the people from any form of oppression. In most cases, the Nevada constitution resembles that of the U.S. though in some other instances, there are variations which result in differences in length, for example the omission of individual rights from the U.S. constitution, but present in the Nevada constitution. According to Bowers (15), Nevada’s constitution provides a more direct means of separation of powers into three most basic divisions and has an additional system for checks and balances moreover this constitution has a system for amendments and revision whereby the judiciary has been vested with such powers. These additional clauses makes it longer that the U.S constitution. There are various factors that define the length and details of a state constitution. According to Berman, â€Å"a broad historical factor accounting for this condition was the loss of popular confidence in state legislators† (77). Constitutional amendments made after the civil wars had extensive and detailed policies to prevent corruptions and mismanagement that marred the nation. The ease of amendments provided by the Nevada’s constitution has made it easier to add additional values by the concerned parties. In general, most of the state constitutions are noteworthy constitutions; the differences can be

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chapters 11-16 of the novel Essay Example for Free

Chapters 11-16 of the novel Essay Frankenstein is a novel written by Mary Shelley in the late 17th century which depicts a story about a scientist in Geneva who becomes obsessed with creating life. In his journey he comes across some notes of a professor in which specific notions on creating a living creature are contained. With these notes and his wild imagination Frankenstein puts together parts of corpses and revolutionises science by successfully creating a living creature. However, all is not merry, as Frankenstein realises his creation is disparate to human beings but that he has transformed what was once a dead corpse into a wretched monster. After abandoning his creation and later trying to kill it so as to cover up his unworthy work, Frankenstein effectively drives the monster out of his lab to fend for himself. At the end of Chapter 10 the reader is given Frankensteins view of his creation; he says breathless horror and disgust filled my heart at this very point we begin to see Frankensteins dream to create life disappear and the reader is left feeling as horrified and disgusted as Frankenstein, towards the monster. Frankenstein continues his horrid reaction by stating a thing such as Dante could not have conceived this phrase puts to light the actual horror of the monster because Frankenstein states that even Dante, a fantasist of evil, was not able to come up with such a creation. In Chapters 11 to 16 of the novel we see the epic voyage through the eyes of the monster as Shelley adopts the persona of the monster. Shellys portrayal of the monster in this distinguished technique helps us to better understand what the monster thinks and how his emotions change as he becomes more conscious of himself and his surroundings. Our feelings towards the monster change significantly and we begin to see a very different and unexpected side of him. The monster begins by telling us about his first memory of himself; he says that a strange multiplicity of sensations seized me, and I saw, felt, heard and smelt at the same time this portrays the monster as a new born baby learning about the simple senses that all humans use. As the monster introduces us to his first day in the woods he says that I felt tormented by hunger and thirst this illustrates the monster as a normal person who has to feed himself to live. Also the monster tells us feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept here we are able to distinctively see that the monster is no more different than a small child as both cry when they seem to find no remedy for their pain. Also we are introduced to the feelings of the monster which come to play a very important role in his later life. As we become more learned about the monsters feelings and actions we are presented by the more intellectual and able side. He begins by telling as that he is able to distinguish between insects and herbs and continues to show how rapidly he is able to learn by differentiating one herb from another. This shows the immense intellect of the monster and also makes the reader more attached since there becomes a similarity between the monster and humans. The monster tells us that he began also to observe, with greater accuracy, the forms that surrounded me this shows that the monster is able to process his sight with major accuracy and is able to learn about his surroundings easily. He continues to say my mind received every day additional ideas now we are able to understand that the monster has the ability of thought and has an imagination, the one attribute that differentiates humans from all other creatures. As we continue we see that the monster is able to learn physically from its mistakes, I thrust my hand into the live embers, but quickly drew it out again with a cry of pain this once again represents the human like intellect of the monster being able to assess mistakes so as not to repeat it again. Furthermore, the monster inhabits the nature of cooking as he experiments with his newly found fire, he begins to see that the berries were spoiled from this operation, and the nuts and roots much improved. The actual mental intellectual ability of the monster is portrayed by Shelley as the monster inhabits in the cottage of the De Laceys. Here the monster is educated to the language of his fellow inhabitants who he reluctantly segregates himself due to being in doubt of acceptance from them. The monster begins his quest to understand the language of his company by observing their sound and actions. He says I found that these people possessed a method of communicating their experience and feelings to one another by articulate sounds. However we are also presented with the less able understanding of the monster as he struggles to understand the words connected with feeling such as good, dearest and unhappy. This once again clearly exposes the monster with human like intelligence since it needs to be able to experience feelings to be able to understand it. We are introduced to a new member of the family, an Arabian, who is unable to speak the language and thus is taught by her companions and at the same time the monster is able to educate himself as he eavesdrops between the holes in the walls separating his feeble habitation from the familys cottage. The monster learns all his facts and details of humans and logic by listening to the various texts and conversations of the De Lacey family. He says I obtained a cursory knowledge of history it gave me an insight to the different manners, governments and religions of the different nations of the earth. Shelley portrays the monsters thoughts and feelings at this new acquired knowledge in a very intense way. The monster begins to question the very being that he is what was I? I was, besides, endued with a figure hideously deformed and loathsome. Here we begin to see that the monster becomes evident of his deformity. From the beginning of the monsters tale to the very end we are introduced to the lonely figure and outcast to society that the monster exists as. The first evidence of the social disregard comes from Frankenstein himself, after he realises that he has created nothing but a monster, he abandons his creation and kicks him out of the lab. From then on the monster is faced with negligence from every human who he unfortunately appears in front of. The monster is very adamant at questioning himself to the reality to his being. He says And what was I? Of my creation and creator I was absolutely ignorant, here we begin to realise that the monster begins to get upset about his lonely being. This interrogation that the monster puts to him leads him to become upset and we see his emotions beginning to cloud his judgement. Was I then a monster, a blot upon the earth, from which all man fled, and whom all men disowned? the monster is able to understand his position in the human society here, as he examines the actual creature that he is presented as to humans.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

GDP vs Life Expectancy of Countries

GDP vs Life Expectancy of Countries We have chosen to discuss the relationship between GDP per capita vs. life expectancy at birth.   At first glance, it would appear that the GDP and wealth of a country should directly impact the life expectancy of its citizens.   However, when looking at the graph we see that while there is definitely a correlation between GDP and life expectancy, their relationship isnt linear.   This graph shows that the countries which have a GDP of less than $10000 USD per capita have a life expectancy ranging from 45-80 years.   In addition, the countries with a GDP of $15000- $40000 per capita have a relatively steady life expectancy of about 80 years with a slight decrease as the GDP approaches $40000.   This gives the graph a backwards L shape which is referred to as a Preston Curve1. In the poorer half of the world, the life expectancy ranges drastically between 45-80 years.   The countries with the lowest life expectancy are almost always affected by their GDP.   When a country has a low GDP, the citizens dont have enough money for essentials to survive.   They are forced to buy the cheapest foods which dont have the proper amounts of nutrients required to live long, healthy lives.   Likewise, these governments usually do not have enough money to support and aid these citizens.   Additionally, countries with low GDP tend to have poor health care systems to treat the terminally ill.   This issue is exacerbated in these places because the poorer countries are more likely to stricken with serious, potentially life threatening diseases like HIV.   On the other hand, many countries with low GDPs have a very high life expectancy.   One possible explanation for this phenomenon is that these countries are heavily involved in farming and agriculture.   Thus, they have easy, cheap access to healthy food and other essentials to survive while not contributing much to the GDP2.   Another possible conjecture is that these countries have many citizens that are involved in illegal smuggling.   A prime example is Mexico which has a GDP of a mere $6228 USD per capita coupled with a respectable life expectancy of 76 years.   These people can become very wealthy and live elegant, plentiful lives while contributing $0 to the GDP as much of their incomes is not reported because they do everything under the table.   A third explanation why some countries have a high life expectancy despite a low GDP is because its government strongly prioritizes needs over wants.   Cuba is a good example of this.   They have a very strong social support network that provides health coverage, government pensions and economic support to poor families3.   While poor countries are definitely impacted by low GDP, they have many ways to live long lives without too much money.   In the wealthier half of the world, life expectancy has remained steady at 80 years with a minor drop at the highest GDP levels.   There are many ideas to explain the steadiness in this part of the world.   Firstly, people in the top quarter of the world usually dont spend more on essentials than the second quarter of people.   They tend to spend more on wants such as fancy cars, vacations, electronics, etc.   Hence, the second quarter isnt lacking in any essentials that the first quarter has that would affect their life expectancy.   Additionally, almost all governments in the top half of the world have excellent social and health services.   Thus, even the poor in these countries receive appropriate and suitable care.   However, as we approach the richest countries, the graph takes a slight dip down.   Some statisticians believe that there is nothing concrete to suggest any definitive reasons for this.   However, some try to explain this phenomenon.   Firstl y, people with a high income are more susceptible to traffic fatalities as they are usually on the road more often.   Similarly, they have the means to participate in risky, thrill seeking and expensive activities like sky diving.   These people also tend to drink more which can lead to all sorts of illnesses.  Ã‚   Another explanation given is pollution.   The richest countries are the ones with the resources to produce high amounts of pollution.   It has been proven that young children are especially susceptible to this.  Ã‚   Economists Kenneth Chay and Michael Greenstone think that the 1981-1982 oil shock recession may have saved as many as 2,500 infant lives in the United States through the slight reductions in air pollution caused by the reduced economic activity4.   To summarize, although there is definitely a connection between high GDP and long lives, the relationship isnt perfect. As with any study, it is very difficult to distinguish between correlation and causation.   Does A cause B? Or does B cause A? Is there a confounding or mediating factor? The relationship between GDP and life expectancy is no exception.   While we cant definitively prove that there is a causal effect, there is a strong correlation.   As a result, it is incumbent on the governments in countries to with low life expectancy to take steps to increase the life expectancy of their citizens. Some examples include but are not limited to educational programs and food vouchers. It is our fervent hope that one day the life expectancy across the globe will be similar regardless of financial status.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Accepting the Extraordinary in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Essay

My life, although not without surprises and unusual events, is dictated by predictable and ordinary elements. However, through fiction I am transported into a world of boundless imagination and extraordinary themes. One such example is evident in my response to Mary Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein. Through fiction, Shelley invites the reader to accept the extraordinary. Firstly, we are led to believe that Victor Frankenstein is able to create life by shocking it with electricity, and to this I responded with an imaginative curiosity. But it was the consequences of the creation provoked a stronger response from me. The element of horror Victor experiences and his reaction to the ‘god like’ qualities bestowed upon him as creator is truly extraordinary. Victor, like no other man, experiences the feeling of immense power and responsibility as creator of man, and this provoked a sympathetic response from me. Finally I also accepted and responded to the extraordinar y concept of the monster, who, unlike to the majority of humanity, is created without a sense of cultural identity. Additionally, what is extraordinary to me as a reader is the humanity and intelligence the monster displays, despite the disadvantageous of his creation. This made me have sympathy for monster and served to blotch the credibility of Victor. Throughout the novel I was inclined to accept Shelley’s invitation and to explore a deeper view of humanity. The most apparent extraordinary element in Frankenstein is the concept of galvanic creation. Shelley invites us to believe that Victor can bestow life to the inanimate monster. This achieved by stressing the power and enticement (None but those who have experienced them can conceive of the enticement of science... the extraordinary I responded in favour of the monster and in disfavour of Victor. In her novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley invites us as readers to accept the extraordinary. In accepting this invitation my response to the major characters in the novel, Victor and the monster, changed noticeably. Firstly I responded in favor of Victor, due to the extraordinary position he finds himself in as creator of man. But as the novel progressed I was invited to accept the extraordinary humanity of the monster, and this provoked a sympathetic response from me. We as readers are positioned to accept the elements of Frankenstein that are out of the ordinary because Shelley encourages an imaginative response from us. Throughout my reading my imagination was the dictum that influenced my response. By accepting the extraordinary I am able to explore a deeper view of humanity.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Agriculture Revolution Essay

The agriculture revolution occurred in the Eighteenth Century. It was the age of new inventions and methods which caused agriculture to boom and end the long problem of famine. The agriculture revolution also caused social and economic consequences. What are some of these methods, inventions an also, the downfalls and consequences of the agriculture revolution? In the eighteenth century it was important to improve agriculture to feed the rapidly increasing population. This meant they needed to make inventions to grow more food at a more rapid rate. This is about the time when they discovered crop rotation, which is rotationing the crop to refurnish the nutrients in the soil by switching the crops that used the nutrients in the soil with the ones that replaced it. This system gave farmers the opportunity to farm all their land at all times, instead of having to let some land set for a long period of time. Some of the important crops were peas, beans, turnips, potatoes, clovers and grasses. Other inventions like the seed drill, threshing machine, along with the enclosure of fields helped produce enough food for the growing population. The enclosure of fields was a new invention, which took a farmers scattered land and put it together in fenced in fields to farm a lot smarter and more efficiently. Not all the people of the eighteenth century went to farming in this new style, they were used to the traditional style and preferred to continue farming that way. The Low Countries and England were the main people that used crop rotation. New crops made ideal feed for animals, which meant farmers could increase their herds, which ultimately meant more meat and better diets for all. Some downfalls of the agriculture revolution meant that if a farmer wanted to experiment with new methods they would have to get all landowners in the village to agree. Enclosure didn’t seem to help the poor rural families; this meant that they couldn’t do the things they traditionally did. They liked using common pastureland to graze stock, forests and marshlands for firewood and berries, therefore the poor highly opposed the idea of enclosure and created allies with the wealthy land owners. The wealthy land owners were also against enclosure, because it required large risks and investments? The agricultural revolution had a very big impact on women; the new inventions and the machinery were much harder for them to handle. This meant women had to find another role in society, working at Cottage Industries or as Domestic Servants. The agriculture revolution was the start of a great stepping stone. The new inventions like Crop Rotation and Enclosure helped form the age we live in today. There were ups and downs to the agricultural revolution, as there is in any new ideas that are trying to be implemented. The revolution ended famine, the methods used caused distress with the poor and even the wealthy at times; they also wanted to keep the traditional ways of farming. The transformation and experimentation of new crops and systems of crop rotation was not completed until the nineteenth century. Agricultural revolution allowed farms to be more compact and increased investments. The agricultural revolution was an essential prelude to the Industrial Revolution.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Leading Causes of Death essays

Leading Causes of Death essays Comparison of the leading cause of death in the US and Zimbabwe The leading cause of death for people over 45 in the US is Heart failure. The leading cause of death in the US for people 1-45 is Accidents and adverse effects resulting from the accidents. Motor vehicle accidents remain the highest risk for all age groups. From age 1-4 the death rate per 100,00 people is 38.3 From age 5-14 the death rate per 100,00 people is 22 From age 15-24 the death rate per 100,000 people is 90.3 From age 25-44 the death rate per 100,000 people is 177.8 From age 45-64 the death rate per 100,000 people is 708 For people over 65 the death rate per 100,000 people is 5,071.40 AIDS is the leading cause of death in Zimbabwe. 800,000 people are infected with AIDS virus. 20-25% of the sexually active population is believed to carry the virus. Some of the differences may be accounted for that cultures are two very different ways of living. We come from different backgrounds and were brought up differently. Americans tend to be a little more obese and eat fattier foods than other countries making them more prone to getting forms of Heart disease. People that live in Zimbabwe might not be as informed or precacious as we might be leading them to lead there lives more loosely in a sexually way. I read that the Zimbabwe government does not take the same steps in dealing with preventative measures as the US. I couldnt find much on Zimbabwe stance on Heart disease. I believe that both countries need to spend some more time and money dealing with these diseases. The similarities might be accounted for by the fact that accidents will happen and viruses will spread and the only way to stop it is to make every body perfect and come up with a cure. Large amounts of people are being killed at an early age all because of negligence and a carefree attitude thats not right. As you grow older the risks become higher and your not a ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

pH Definition and Equation in Chemistry

pH Definition and Equation in Chemistry pH is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration,  a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale usually ranges from 0 to 14.  Aqueous solutions at 25 °C with a pH less than 7 are acidic, while those with a pH greater than 7 are basic or alkaline. A pH level of 7.0 at 25 °C is defined as neutral  because the concentration of H3O equals the concentration of OH− in pure water. Very strong acids might have a negative pH, while very strong bases might have a pH greater than 14. pH Equation The equation for calculating pH was proposed in 1909 by Danish biochemist  Sà ¸ren Peter Lauritz Sà ¸rensen: pH -log[H] where log is the base-10 logarithm and [H] stands for the hydrogen ion concentration in units of moles per liter solution. The term pH comes from the German word potenz, which means power, combined with H, the element symbol for hydrogen, so pH is an abbreviation for power of hydrogen. Examples of pH Values of Common Chemicals We work with many acids (low pH) and bases (high pH) every day. Examples of pH values of lab chemicals and household products include: 0: hydrochloric acid2.0: lemon juice2.2: vinegar4.0: wine7.0: pure water (neutral)7.4: human blood13.0: lye14.0: sodium hydroxide Not All Liquids Have a pH Value pH only has meaning in an aqueous solution (in water). Many chemicals, including liquids, do not have pH values. If theres no water, theres no pH.  For example, there is no pH value for vegetable oil, gasoline, or pure alcohol. IUPAC Definition of pH The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has a slightly different pH scale that is based on electrochemical measurements of a standard buffer solution. Essentially, the definition uses the equation: pH -log aH where aH stands for hydrogen activity, which is the effective concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. This might be slightly different from the true concentration. The IUPAC pH scale also includes thermodynamic factors, which may influence pH. For most situations, the standard pH definition is sufficient. How pH Is Measured Rough pH measurements  can  be made using litmus paper or another type of pH paper known to change colors around a certain pH value. Most indicators and pH papers are useful only to tell whether a substance is an acid or a base or to identify pH within a narrow range. A universal indicator is a mixture of indicator solutions intended to provide a color change over a pH range of 2 to 10. More accurate measurements are made using primary standards to calibrate a glass electrode and pH meter. The electrode works by measuring the potential difference between a hydrogen electrode and a standard electrode. An example of a standard electrode is silver chloride. Uses of pH pH is used in everyday life as well as science and industry. Its used in cooking (e.g., reacting baking powder and an acid to make baked goods rise), to design cocktails, in cleaners, and in food preservation. Its important in pool maintenance and water purification, agriculture, medicine, chemistry, engineering, oceanography, biology, and other sciences.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Alphabetize a List in Microsoft Word

How to Alphabetize a List in Microsoft Word Any list of items presented in either an ordered (i.e., numbered) or unordered (i.e., bulleted) manner within Microsoft Word may be sorted in alphabetical order, in either ascending or descending sequence. Word allows sorts by text, by number, and by date, and even permits three levels of sorting that either includes or ignores a header row, if the first item in the list is a header. Alphabetize a List in Word 2007 to Word 2019 Microsoft support provides these instructions, which are essentially identical to Word 2007: Select the text in a bulleted or numbered list.On the Home tab, in the Paragraph group, click Sort.In the Sort Text dialog box, under Sort by, click Paragraphs and then Text, and then click either Ascending or Descending. Modify these drop-downs and radio buttons to sort as you intend. In addition to sorting by text, you can sort by date and number. Paragraphs Within Lists Even though youre working with either a numbered or bulleted list, Word assumes that every item in the list is a paragraph and it will sort according to that logic. More Organizational Options in Word Word offers a range of possibilities for organizing your text. In addition to ordinary alphabetizing from A-Z, you can also: Alphabetize from Z-AOrganize numerically in ascending or descending orderOrganize by ascending or descending dateSort by fieldsSort by headersSort in one way and then in another (by number and then letter, for example, or by paragraph and then by header)

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Public Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 3

Public Relations - Essay Example This means that twitter is able to sway the consumers to view it or its products in a positive light, the volume of utilization will most definitely increase. Originally, PR campaigns relied on press releases and conferences, public speech readings, facilitation of internal communications as well as media interviews. However, with the coming of age of millenials who mostly communicate and source information from social media networks like twitter that have rampant usage globally, there is an increasing need to conduct PR campaigns with these considerations if campaigns are to be effective. Such a campaign is ideal for twitter that has been losing users of late as well as having actual tweets from only around 40% of the users. A â€Å"Secret Scan-ta† microsite serve the purpose of fuelling a good PR Campaign for Twitter in the UK especially now that the festive season is nigh. The product would be able to help people pick out gifts for others by going through the recipients tweets to find out their preferences meaning that the gifts can also be tailored. All you have to do is suggest the tweeter handle of the person you want to give a gift and the microsite will go through his or her tweets, determine their preferences and provide suggestions on gifts. In order to develop an effective PR c ampaign for the product it is necessary to follow the POSTAR format in the design process. Brand positioning describes the processes and activities of market opportunity identification in line with the market conditions described by the research on the market. The secret scan-ta will need to be suitably positioned before the commencement of the process of the campaign if the goals intended are to be met. This will require the focus of four key components. In terms of the attitude and demographic of the intended audience, Secret

Friday, October 18, 2019

Groupon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Groupon - Essay Example eferral system which enables availment of Groupon bucks (Bulygo & Metrics, 2012); (6) offering purchases for a friend which could enjoin more to attest and appreciate the benefits accorded by Groupon; and (7) entrenching more awareness to products and services offered by merchants through word-of-mouth and through social networking sites; among others. As emphasized by Sviokla (2009), the keys to enhanced customer satisfaction stems from Groupon’s ability to: â€Å"(1) make the interaction simple; (2) create a sense of urgency; (3) energize customers to enjoin others to join; and (4) make the experience a lot of fun† (p.1). executed well? The quality of these activities fit with the overall strategy, which is consistent with the 5s of internet marketing, which are: to sell, to serve, to speak, to save and to sizzle (Andrew, 2013, p. 7). Its mission was to â€Å"treat our customers the way we like to be treated† (Groupon, 2013, par. 3). An important component of the strategy is adherence to â€Å"unbelievable customer service† (Groupon, 2013, par. 5). As such, Groupon pledged to achieve the 5s of internet marketing through implementing the activities above-mentioned. Based on the remarkable performance of Groupon as reviewed from their financial highlights, where it was revealed that â€Å"†record billings growth this quarter is a clear signal that customers love Groupons," said Andrew Mason, CEO of Groupon† (Business Wire, 2013, par. 4). As such, the sustained financial success proves that the strategies applied by Groupn were effective and fitted will with the organization’s overall strategy. In addition, since there were a lot of other organizations that mimicked or replicated their business model (Richey, 2010), it therefore attests to the effectiveness of the strategy in achieving financial

Knowledge of Organizational Communication Concepts and Skills Essay - 1

Knowledge of Organizational Communication Concepts and Skills - Essay Example This paper presents an analysis of each communication concepts and provides suggestions to implement it in the organization. Active listening is a very important part of communication structure. In order to build an effective business communication structure there is need to improve listening skill. This section outlines the importance of active listening and suggests ways to improve this skill. Both speaking and listening are very important part of verbal communication. Without a doubt, in any firm (small, medium or large), listening plays a significant role in effective working associations and communications among employees and between staff and administration. In the same way, this skill is also important in communicating with business customers and other organizations. The importance of listening cannot be underestimated if a business really wants to survive in this ever-increasing competitive world. In fact, listening has the power to make or break someone’s success in management, or customer relationships. Hence, improving listening skills means increasing the chances of business success (Hatter, 2013; Kati, 2011; More-For-Small-Business, 2012; Tingum, 2013). In addition, there are many important tips that can be used to improve listening skills. However, the first rule is to pay the speakers full attention and try to keep eye contact. In this scenario, the speaker can be a colleague, an employee, customer or management. Additionally, when they have completed this process, put another way their words and confirm whether you understand them in the approved manner. If you have any confusion then keep continue asking questions to increase understanding of their speech. Actually, listening cautiously while someone speaks to you can improve the quality of business communication. However, in order to improve listening power there is a need for effective concentration, which can only be attained with endeavor and practice. Without a

Case study about international expansion Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About international expansion - Case Study Example Ruth’s Chris did not consider this approach. Out of the four markets that the company operated internationally, the company noted that the current dining experience it offers its clients would be appropriate for new markets without risking confusion or dilution about the brand. In terms of penetration, Ruth’s Chris considered the option of adding more restaurants in the same market. Plans for implementing this strategy were underway, particularly in the case of new restaurants present in Canada. Nonetheless, the major drawback for affecting this approach is that the restaurants would not be able to offer ubiquitous serves compared to fast food establishments, such as McDonalds. Furthermore, it would not be possible for even for the world’s biggest cities to accommodate more than six steak houses owned by Ruth’s Chris. In terms of market development, the company aims at adding similar restaurants in different markets. This approach is obvious in terms of in creasing the revenue of Ruth’s Chris in four global markets, including Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, and Mexico. These franchisees would be profitable and provide testimony to the company (Sagepub, 2015). The diversification approach is the riskiest one for Ruth’s Chris to implement. By introducing new types of restaurants in different markets, the company would be forced to make major investments in the establishment of stores. In addition, the new stores would be different from the mother company, confusing the customers about the operations of the company. For instance, those customers who are loyal to the brand would perceive the different establishments differently, leading to loss of clients. As a result, the company would end up making losses, bringing down the overall competitiveness of the company in the global marketplace. To attract clients, Ruth’s Chris needs to come up with a strategy that would be appealing to different types of clients with different

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Compare and contrast the ideologies and aims of VILLA and CARRANZA and Essay

Compare and contrast the ideologies and aims of VILLA and CARRANZA and their impact on the Mexican Revolution ( 1910-17) - Essay Example d his success in the revolution was mainly due to his ability to portray himself as a wise, stern patriarch who was the nations best hope for peace.† (Minster Guide) Villa often opposes dictators during his time and revolted against the current regime twice. He strongly believed in his ways and that Mexicans should be free from oppression of people in power and injustice. Carranza joined the revolution due to high ambitions; he collaborated with Francisco Madero who was the brains of the revolution in 1910. As quoted by Christopher online, â€Å"Carranza was not a true believer in reform and he felt that a firmer hand (preferably his) was needed to rule Mexico.† (Minster Guide) Carranza was more into the politics of the matter. One of his major reasons for joining the revolution was his plans of attaining power for himself. After Madero got assassinated by Huerta, another uprising came; this time led by Carranza himself. He was supported by Villa and Obregon on this one. Villa led his army to winning countless battles with his bravery. With his great charisma he was able to gather an army of 3000 in just a month time. He led them the last time against American Troops, after attacks on Columbus and New Mexico, before he was awarded pardon in 1920. Carranza, on the latter part of the second uprising, was sided by the United States. Villa went to the mountains during this time and was considered a fugitive of the New Mexican government. Little was changed during Carranza’s reign. Jennifer Rosenberg added in her online article that; â€Å"Villa retired from revolutionary life in 1920 but had only a short retirement for he was gunned down in his car on July 20, 1923.†(Rosenberg Guide) After Obregon drove him off of power in Mexico, Carranza was gunned by Rodolfo Herrera in his sleep together with his top supporters in 1920. As Christopher Minster quoted it, â€Å"Herrera was put on trial by Obregon, but it was clear that no one missed

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 179

Essay Example The media’s contribution to marginalized groups and their political empowerment to know their rights and fight for them has given such groups a voice that they did not have before (Turner, 2000). The marginalized groups may be mistreated but when the media brings them in through communication using videos and cassettes their plight is eventually known throughout the world. Their way of life is eventually known, and people can relate to them according to the way they are without judging them harshly. Complex communication in societies has been an issue that is of great importance. The complex groups have been delved into to find out how they communicate with each other where they way they talk has been taped further the terms of the respective languages (Cody, 2009; Inoue, 1996). The concentration of backstage work is important in understanding the bigger idea, which involves the large group’s interactions. Therefore the communications between the various marginalized need to be analyzed in a clear manner especially their word usage to determine if they are close to the larger groups that are more diverse in their communications since they have interacted with many other groups. The different, therefore, communicate different and have their own political though not conventional as the larger groupings have. Therefore bringing them to a common ground is in important. CODY, F. R. A. N. C. I. S. (August 01, 2009). INSCRIBING SUBJECTS TO CITIZENSHIP: Petitions, Literacy Activism, and the Performativity of Signature in Rural Tamil India. Cultural Anthropology, 24, 3, 347-380.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study about international expansion Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About international expansion - Case Study Example Ruth’s Chris did not consider this approach. Out of the four markets that the company operated internationally, the company noted that the current dining experience it offers its clients would be appropriate for new markets without risking confusion or dilution about the brand. In terms of penetration, Ruth’s Chris considered the option of adding more restaurants in the same market. Plans for implementing this strategy were underway, particularly in the case of new restaurants present in Canada. Nonetheless, the major drawback for affecting this approach is that the restaurants would not be able to offer ubiquitous serves compared to fast food establishments, such as McDonalds. Furthermore, it would not be possible for even for the world’s biggest cities to accommodate more than six steak houses owned by Ruth’s Chris. In terms of market development, the company aims at adding similar restaurants in different markets. This approach is obvious in terms of in creasing the revenue of Ruth’s Chris in four global markets, including Hong Kong, Canada, Taiwan, and Mexico. These franchisees would be profitable and provide testimony to the company (Sagepub, 2015). The diversification approach is the riskiest one for Ruth’s Chris to implement. By introducing new types of restaurants in different markets, the company would be forced to make major investments in the establishment of stores. In addition, the new stores would be different from the mother company, confusing the customers about the operations of the company. For instance, those customers who are loyal to the brand would perceive the different establishments differently, leading to loss of clients. As a result, the company would end up making losses, bringing down the overall competitiveness of the company in the global marketplace. To attract clients, Ruth’s Chris needs to come up with a strategy that would be appealing to different types of clients with different

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 179

Essay Example The media’s contribution to marginalized groups and their political empowerment to know their rights and fight for them has given such groups a voice that they did not have before (Turner, 2000). The marginalized groups may be mistreated but when the media brings them in through communication using videos and cassettes their plight is eventually known throughout the world. Their way of life is eventually known, and people can relate to them according to the way they are without judging them harshly. Complex communication in societies has been an issue that is of great importance. The complex groups have been delved into to find out how they communicate with each other where they way they talk has been taped further the terms of the respective languages (Cody, 2009; Inoue, 1996). The concentration of backstage work is important in understanding the bigger idea, which involves the large group’s interactions. Therefore the communications between the various marginalized need to be analyzed in a clear manner especially their word usage to determine if they are close to the larger groups that are more diverse in their communications since they have interacted with many other groups. The different, therefore, communicate different and have their own political though not conventional as the larger groupings have. Therefore bringing them to a common ground is in important. CODY, F. R. A. N. C. I. S. (August 01, 2009). INSCRIBING SUBJECTS TO CITIZENSHIP: Petitions, Literacy Activism, and the Performativity of Signature in Rural Tamil India. Cultural Anthropology, 24, 3, 347-380.

Capital Punishment Essay Example for Free

Capital Punishment Essay Bang! The next thing you know you get a phone call- The worst has just happened. Murderers and Serial killers. How do you punish them for a crime so violent, so cruel and so unjust? How about I rephrase that sentence. Let Murderers endure the rest of their lives trapped in a cellar were their emotions run wild with guilt of what they have done, or the easy way out- Death. Capital punishment is wrong; it’s brutal, immoral, inhumane and corrupt. Taking a life for a life is wrong. It won’t bring the other person back. People are very hypocritical when they know it’s wrong to kill, however they think it is okay for the government and court to take another persons life away for a crime that they have committed. How does the government even decided who is â€Å"worthy† or â€Å"unworthy† of Capital Punishment. There should be only one being that has the power to take a life away and that is God. The court makes Capital punishment sound like that its okay and alright to kill if you have more power and money over someone else. It takes double if not triple the amount of money to actually go through with capital punishment. The cost for capital punishment, trails as well as the jail term for the state to put the criminals to death is astounding. Why would people want to waste their tax money on that when people are already complaining about how there is little or no money towards health care or education? For those people who are religious and would like to look at Capital Punishment through a religious prospective the bible even states in one of the Ten Commandments â€Å"Thou shall not kill†. There are also people that believe that Capital Punishment is okay and should be enforced more often. Some do not want to give them a â€Å"second chance†. The chance that criminals may get parole and receive bail is not a chance people take lightly. How do people know that they won’t commit the crime again? The truth is, they honestly don’t know, but they do not want to take that risk. Others believe that Capital punishment will reduce the rate of murders and crime in the image00.pngcountry or state. That is why they believe Capital Punishment is the answer. Facts and studies however prove that Capital Punishment does not in fact decrease the amount of murders and crimes. The crime and death rate caused by murders have actually gone up since the early 70s’. In some states in the U.S.A that have the death penalty it actually shows a higher amount of murder rates then states with out Capital Punishment. Some people also believe that it also depends on your race, social status, education and location of crime on whether or not you receive the death sentence. image00.png Say you were the one who got that horrible phone call, someone close to you has just been murdered. How do you think you would act? Many people feel the need for justice. Some feel they get this justice by Capital Punishment. â€Å"An eye for an eye†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ â€Å"A life for a life†. Revenge and payback for what that criminal has done. Don’t you think that you there has been enough unnecessary blood-shed already? As I stated before in my opening statement death is the easy way out. With Capital Punishment you feel pain for a split second and then you die. Locked up in Jail, for the rest of your life, the pain of those criminals knowing that they will never have freedom, never be fully welcomed back into society and them knowing what crime they have committed and the guilt it shall bring upon themselves will be overwhelming. This is true revenge. Society must voice their opinion about Capital Punishment. Put an end to this Violence, both inside and outside of the court. Revenge is much sweeter when you can see the effects on the person.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Anxiety Of Death In The Elderly Sociology Essay

The Anxiety Of Death In The Elderly Sociology Essay The essay below is on the death anxiety of the elderly persons who are independent and those who are dependent on others in life. Anxiety of death is defined by the British National Health Service as a feeling of apprehension, or dread that an individual encounters when thinking of the process dying. On the introduction part of the essay, there is a brief discussion of death anxiety in the society. The literature review of the essay has tackled two major aspects of death anxiety. The first aspect is the general discussion of death anxiety among the elderly persons. Many people in the society have a perception that at old age people tend to have anxiety of death as compared to the youngsters, which many psychological scholars oppose. The second aspect includes the two main variables that affect the level of death anxiety in old age. These variables include being independent in life, and being dependent on others in life. It has been argued that elderly persons who are dependent on oth ers have high levels of death anxiety as compared to the individuals who are independent. The essay was based on the methodology and findings of a study conducted by Dr.Bharat H.Mimrot on A Comparative study of Death Anxiety of Old Persons in the year 2011. The sample size was 200 respondents who were randomly selected. The respondents were residents of Aurangabad city, and were selected from those living in institutions and those living with their families. Introduction Anxiety of death is considered as an abnormal or relentless fear in an individuals mind of death. Anxiety of death is defined by the British National Health Service as a feeling of apprehension, or dread that an individual encounters when thinking of the process dying (DePaola, Griffin, Young, Neimeyer, 2003). In the field of psychology, anxiety of death is considered as a psychological problem that is affected by a number of variables. Among the variables that affect anxiety of death, include the environment that one lives in, the age of an individual, the ego integrity, the religious faith of an individual, the personal sense that an individual has for self-worth. In studying death anxiety of an individual, majority of studies have indicated that the difficult part is the measuring of the anxiety an individual has in relation to other variables (Cicirelli, 2006). The below essay seeks to address the anxiety of death of the elderly individuals who are independent and those who are dependent on other people. For instance, the essay focuses on the age and the environment in which the individual lives as the main variables for the anxiety of death. Majority of studies have indicated that as people age, regardless of them being independent or dependent on others, they become less anxious about death. The essay will be supported by a study conducted by Dr.Bharat H.Mimrot on A Comparative study of Death Anxiety of Old Persons in the year 2011. This article has been extracted from the Indian Streams Research Journal. Literature Review Anxiety of death in old age In the current society, the anxiety of death among individuals is a rampant psychological issue, especially the younger generation that should not be ignored. Many people in the society have a perception that at old age people tend to have anxiety of death as compared to the youngsters, which many psychological scholars oppose. When dealing with anxiety of death in old age, it is very important for one to understand old age in general (Banck, 1976). Generally, old age is considered to be consisting of ages that are nearing the average life span which human beings are expected to live. Majority of psychological studies on issues that affect individual at old age referred old age as a late adulthood stage that tend to begin at 60s and lasts until death. In her definition of death anxiety, a renowned psychologist Janet Belsky, considered death anxiety as the emotions, fears, as well as thoughts about the final event of life that an individual may experience under more normal conditions of life. In old age, people must deal with the possibility of their own death as well as the death of loved ones (Chernick, 1990). Death may also be looked into in terms of statistics, which supply us with significant figures and facts. Even though death most commonly occurs in later years, it may happen at any stage in life. As a common phenomenon in the current society, majority of people are afraid of dying, especially the elderly who know that lifetime in world is ending. For instance, many perceive that death is always near when one is in old age; therefore, their perceptions make them believe that anxiety of death is a common condition for the elderly persons in the society as compared to the youngsters (Dever, 1998). On the contrary, most studies are against this particular perception in the sense that any person can be anxious of death due to the living conditions. According to a psychological theory done by Erickson, it is indicated that in the later stages of life, individuals experience what is known as ego integrity. In his theory, developmental psychologist Erickson pointed out that this particular theory explained that as people grow older in life, they go through a series of crises in life. The psychologist argued in his theory that a person tends to engage in life review when they reach th e old age (Epstein, 1979). Ego entry according to Erik Erickson is a state when an individual comes to term with his or her life and accepts it. On the other hand, when a person reviews his or her life in old age as a series of failed events and opportunities, then such individuals never reach the stage of ego integrity. This is when one becomes anxious of death at old age, whether they are dependent on other people, or whether they are independent in life. The elderly people who find life worth continue living tend to have less anxiety on death. In Erickson theory of psychology concerning anxiety of death, elderly individuals tend to have less anxiety of death when they reach the ego integrity level because, when they look back on their lives, they find meaningfulness in their lives, hence have a purpose to continue living (Langs, 1997). It is with no doubt that anxiety of death is minimal to individuals who are elderly because majority of studies support the psychological theory done by developmental psychologist Erik Erickson. In a certain study, the Templer Death Anxiety scale was used to measure the level of death anxiety among individuals from 16 years to 83 years. N the study, it was found that the individuals who were 60 years and above had lower scores of death anxiety while the younger individuals had higher levels of death anxiety. This particular study was proved that the psychological theory of Erickson was true (Rheingold, 1967). Another study still indicated that anxiety of death is minimal during old age. In the research study, it was found that anxiety of death normally begins to be prevalent in ones life during their years of young adulthood. This is during the ages of 20 years to 40 years. During the next age phase, anxiety of death reaches its peak. This is between the ages of 40 to 64 years. At old age, that is 65 years and above, it was indicated that the anxiety of death tends to lower. Form the findings of this particular study; it is evident that the psychological theory done by Erickson is supported. This particular study tends to contradict with the expectations that people have towards anxiety of death at old age. As indicated in the previous text of the essay, many individuals in the society think that old people are always anxious about death due to the process of aging (Neimeyer, 1994). Anxiety of death in the elderly who are dependent on others and those who are independent in life As discussed above, death anxiety tends to lower when individuals become elderly. Though it lowers as one ages, there are two main variables that may affect anxiety at old age. The two variables include whether the elderly person is dependent on other people in life, or whether the individual is independent in life. Being dependent on other [people may entail receiving life support such as food, laundry activities, medication, house cleaning, and many other important activities that are crucial in life. On the other hand, when one is independent in life, it means that the individual supports him or herself in carrying out the crucial activities of life such as paying for their own bills, buying for himself or herself food, taking themselves to entertainment joints and many others (McCarthy, 1990). For instance, majority of studies have indicated that elderly individuals who are dependent on other individuals in life tend to have higher levels of death anxiety as compared to their counterparts who are independent in life. This is because the elderly who are dependent on others tend to review their lives and find no meaning in living. They tend to reach this point especially when they feel that they are a burden to those who pay their bills, buy them food, as well as looking after them. They find no worth in continue living because they do not add any value to the society they live in but rather consume that available resources without replacement. They have a perception that when they die, the people they depend on would be free at last (Lonetto Templer, 1986). On the other hand, elderly individuals who are independent in life tend to have lower levels of death anxiety. As it is stated in Ericksons psychological theory, as individuals reach their old age, they tend to sit back and make a review of their lives. When they reach the ego integrity level, they tend to find meaningfulness in their lives hence they find it worth continue living. This is because of the achievements they may have made in their entire lives. Therefore, they feel that they should continue living in order to enjoy whatever they achieved in their entire lives. This is unlike the elderly individuals who feel that they failed in life after they review their lives. For instance, elderly individuals who are independent in their lives tend to find the meaningfulness in living after they review their lives. This is because; when they review their lives they find that they have achieved so much in life that they should continue living to enjoy their prosperity (Mahabeer, 1980) . They find no problem with them continuing living because they pay their own bill, look after themselves, as well as buy themselves food and many others. As opposed to their dependent counterparts, the elderly independent individuals fail to have the feeling of being a burden to other people in the society because they do not depend on them for survival; hence they find it worth living. It is therefore evident that elderly individuals who are independent in life have lower levels of death anxiety as compared to those who are dependent on others in life. This is so since it is supported by a majority of studies conducted on anxiety of death in the elderly persons (Langs, 1997). Methodology of the study The study was specifically for the old person living at Aurangabad city. The study included institution sector units as well as family sector units. The hypotheses formulated for the purposes of the study were to be tested by collecting relevant data from the participants who took part in the study. One of the hypotheses tested by the study that is relevant to this particular essay is that the elderly individuals who live in institutions tend to experience more anxiety of death as compared to those who live in the family. The study included both the females and the males; it did not sideline participants from a certain gender (Mimrot, 2011). The sample for the study included 200 old persons. These 200 old persons belong to both the sexes to various families and institutions, of Aurangabad city. Of the 200 people, 50 were male who lived with family, and 50 females who lived with family, as well as 50 males who lived in institutions and 50 females who lived with family. The sample for the study was selected by the use of random sampling technique. In addition to the selection of the sample for the study, the tool used for the methodology was Death Anxiety Scale. The scale was made up of 10 units and was constructed and developed by Upinder Dhar, Savita Mehta, as well as Santosh Dhar. The split-half reliability coefficient was = 0.87. The scale reliability was determined by calculating split-half reliability coefficient, corrected for full length, on a sample of 200 subjects (25-55 years) Besides face validity, as all items of the scale are concerned with the variables under focus, the scale has high content validity. The reliability index was calculated by the reaserchers for purposes of establishing validity from the coefficient of reliability Norms for the scale were available on a sample of subjects belonging to the age range of 25-55 years (Mimrot, 2011). The data analysis for the study was carried out with the help of descriptive statistics including Means, Standard Deviation, and multiple univariate 2 x 2 ANOVA for Death Anxiety. Discussion There are significant differences between mean scores of old people living in the family and institutionalized old people on death anxiety. (F = 11.875, df1 = 1, df2 =196 P Based on the analyses that were interpreted in the study, there was a major difference between old age people living in family and old age institutionalized people in terms of their anxiety of death. Based on the mean value interpreted from the study, the elderly people living in the family have high death anxiety (6.00) than institutionalized old people (5.44). this is an indication that those living with their families are highly dependent on their family members as compared to those living in institutions since they have no family member to depend on. This particular interpretation of data from the study failed to support the hypothesis that old age people living in the institution would experience more death anxiety than old age people living in the family (Madnawat Singh, 2007). The hypothesis was therefore rejected for the study. In connection with the above-mentioned findings, some of the psychological scholars found the ageing process is associated with a number of factors like economic independence, health status, their role expectation in the family and status accorded to the elders in the family. From the results of the study conducted by Dr.Bharat H.Mimrot, it is clear that elderly individuals who are dependent on others have higher levels of anxiety of death as compared to the elderly individuals who are independent (Ens Bond, 2005). In this particular case, the independent old people were represented by individuals who were living in institutions whereas dependent elderly persons on others in life were represented by those who were living with their families. In support of Erickson psychological theory that states that the death anxiety of an elderly person tends to lower down suppose the individual reaches the ego integrity level. As discussed in the previous paragraphs, such a level is usually reached when an individual takes a full review of his or her life and finds that it is worth living. For instance, the elderly persons living with their families in this particular study were found to be having a higher level of anxiety of death as compared to their counterparts since they failed to find the essence in continuing living. The fact that they fail to have the urge of continuing living is due to them relying on their families for their upkeep. The individuals feel that at their age they are supposed to have made enough in their entire lives that would support them during their old age instead of being a burden to their family members (Epstein, 1979). On the other hand, the results of the study indicated that the elderly individuals who live in institutions have a lower anxiety of death. This is according to their ego integrity level. These particular individuals find the sense of continuing to live after they review their entire lives. In the institutions where these elderly persons live, they do not rely on others for their upkeep but rather pay for the services that are offered to them, which is unlike the individuals who live with their families. They find the essence of continuing living because they feel that they are not a burden to any individual and that they achieved much in their entire lives that is worth continuing living. This particular discussion is supported by the psychological theory of Erik Erickson (Mimrot, 2011). Conclusion In conclusion, anxiety of death not only affects the elderly persons, as many in the society perceive, but can also affect children and the young adults. Among the variables that affect anxiety of death in ones life, age seems to be the principle variable. The elderly persons are less anxious of death while the youngsters are highly anxious of death. As discussed in above essay, it is clear that the elderly who are dependent on other people in life have a higher level of death anxiety as compared to those who are independent in life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Environmental Factors That Affect Global And Domestic Marketing Decisio

Environmental Factors that affect Global and Domestic Marketing Decisions Every company global or domestic has external factors that exist that eventually have an effect on the company’s operations. Some of these external factors can be controlled but a larger portion is uncontrollable and yet they can be managed and or influenced by the company. These specific factors make up the marketing environment in which a company has environmental factors that influence the company’s decisions. In this paper, the author will explore the domestic and global environmental factors that could have an impact on FedEx’s marketing decision. The five environmental factors that the author will be discussing are social, economical, technological, competitive, and regulatory. These five environmental factors are discussed at great length in the book entitled Marketing 8th Edition written by Roger A. Kerin, Steven W. Hartley, Eric N. Berkowitz, and William Rudelius. The writers define social forces as "the demographic characteristics of the population and its values" (Kerin & Berkowitz, Hartley & Rudelius, 2006, p. 74). Some of these demographic characteristics can include gender differences, buying patterns of consumers, culture, attitudes, and diversity. Economical factors are defined by the writers as anything that "pertains to the income, expenditures, and resources that affect the cost of running a business and household" (Kerin & Berkowitz, Hartley & Rudelius, 2006, p. 80). The writers also discussed technological factors as "inventions or innovations from applied science or engineering research" (Kerin & Berkowitz, Hartley & Rudelius, 2006, p. 83). The fourth environmental factor that is discussed in by the writers is competition, which... ...e social, technological, and environmental consideration in order to make them stand out against their competitors. FedEx has developed a three pronged strategy that is centered on a socially conscious marketing plan that limits their footprint in the environment. â€Æ' References Goldbach, Justin. (2008). A Closer Look at Business Education: Ethical Globalization. The Aspen Institute Center for Business Education. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from FedEx Corporate (2009) Mission Statement. Retrieved February 27, 2009, from URL: Kerin, R. & Berkowitz, E, Hartley, S, & Rudelius, W. (2006). Marketing (8th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin Retrieved February 27, 2009, from URL:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

African Americans in McMillen’s Dark Journey: Black Mississippians in t

Plight of the African Americans After Reconstruction in Neil McMillen’s Book, Dark Journey: Black Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow Neil McMillen’s book, Dark Journey: Black Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow categorically examines the plight of African Americans living in Mississippi during the era of Jim Crow. McMillen, a professor at the University of Southern Mississippi, describes the obstacles that African Americans dealt with in the fields of education, labor, mob violence, and politics. Supplementing each group with data tables, charts and excerpts from Southern newspapers of the day, McMillen saturates the reader with facts that help to understand the problems faced by black Mississippians in the years after Reconstruction. McMillen begins by tracing the roots of segregation in Mississippi beginning with common law and later evolving into state sponsored apartheid with the Plessey v. Ferguson decision and the new state constitution of 1890. The need for separation between the races arose out of feelings of â€Å"negrophobia† that overcame the white citizens of the South during the period of Jim Crow. Negrophobia was an overwhelming fear by white males in the South that if the races were in close proximity of each other the savage black men would insult the heavenly virtues of Southern white women. As a result black boys in Mississippi learned at an early age that even smiling at a white woman could prove dangerous. Although segregation was vehemently opposed by Black leaders when it was first instituted, by the 1890’s leaders such as Booker T. Washington began to emphasize self-help over social equality. The fact that Mississippi’s institutions were segregated lead to them being inh erently unequal, and without a... the life of African Americans during the Jim Crow era into specific categories McMillen made it easier for the reader to understand how the Jim Crow laws governed every aspect of Blacks lives. I especially found the section on mob violence interesting. It is amazing to me how brutal and inhuman some whites could be only eighty years ago. The only criticism I had of Dark Journey was that McMillen did not discuss the strong religious convictions of many Black Mississippians and how they used their faith to help them deal with the trauma of Jim Crow. However in the end by examining the lives of blacks after reconstruction this book has amazed me by showing me how far the South and Mississippi has come in such a relatively short period of time. Work Cited: Neil R. McMillen. Dark Journey: Black Mississippians in the Age of Jim Crow Illini Books edition, 1990

Friday, October 11, 2019

Living in Sin Essay

In Adrienne Rich’s poem, â€Å"Living in Sin† a woman is looking back on her relationship. The title tells me, although unconventional, in the 1950’s the couple was living together unmarried. The first line â€Å"She had thought the studio would keep itself,† describes how she expected her relationship to be. The woman clearly had an image, not a realistic one, of the perfect relationship. Many men and women fall into this trap (I certainly did with my own failed marriage). It is clear the woman is not happy and does not want to do the daily up keep of the home. She no longer loves the man and dreams of an escape from the life in which she is in. This poem is free verse with no rhythm or rhyme scheme. Its meter consists of most lines having ten syllables. The poem uses metaphors throughout to describe the relationship. The relationship was described through the words studio, furniture, and grime. The metaphors help in creating the tone for this poem which is one of sadness and despair. Adrienne Rich use of these metaphors and meter is another way to describe the relationship. In line two, â€Å"no dust upon the furniture of love†, truly sells the idea that she believed the relationship would not need any work to keep it happy. There is no dust to clean in the perfect fairy tale relationship. The poem enters the present with line three as the woman begins to describe problems with the noisy pipes and grime on the windows. Again the pipes and windows are metaphors for the condition of the relationship. The poem goes on to describe the inside of a home â€Å"A plate of pears, a piano with a Persian shawl† immediately leads into the image of a perfect home. No different than when anyone enters a home for the first time and the decor gives the impression of perfection. We have all been to people’s homes and the decor always gave an impression of the solidarity within the home. Of course no home is as perfect as the decor leads you to believe, no different here. The first mention of the man enters within the line â€Å"a cat stalking the picturesque amusing mouse had risen at his urging. † That cat rises to perhaps receive some affection from the man, this shows that the man is not ithout love or affection. The next few lines a milkman appears. A personification is used in describing the sound from the stairs â€Å"Writhe†. I’m sure many who have read this poem are thinking the woman is either having an affair or fanaticizing about an affair but I don’t feel that is the case. There is no other reference to suggest this. In fact, at the time the milkman arrives, the man is clearly home, it is 5 A. M. I be lieve the sound of the milkman arriving â€Å"under the milkman’s tramp† woke the woman and reminded her of the day ahead. The words â€Å"writhe and tramp† are descriptions of sounds being made while the milk is being delivered. The man is shown for his true likeness while playing the piano. The picture perfect image of the piano is out of tune, another metaphor reflecting their relationship. He† yawns† (representing boredom) while he plays the few notes clearly shows a man who only puts in minimal effort into the relationship. If the piano represents their relationship then the few notes represents his effort. â€Å"He shrugged at the mirror† tells us he did not care the relationship was out of tune and left. I also was wondering; how many times had he played the out of tune piano before? Had he expected it to be repaired this time around? That idea left me with the impression that the man, who was self-absorbed, was aware the relationship was out of tune but expected the woman to fix it. The man was declaring any problem with the relationship not his fault. The poem does a good job of contrasting the difference of how the man and woman feel about the relationship. â€Å"While she, jeered by the minor demons† the man just shrugs it off. He leaves and she starts working on her daily chores. The sharp contrast of dusty table top in reality and â€Å"no dust upon the furniture of love† in fantasy is clear contrast as well. The woman’s feelings are further supported by â€Å"and let the coffee pot boil over†. Her disdain for maintaining the home can be interpreted with letting the coffee pot boil over. Furthermore the words boil over also represent her feeling regarding the relationship. The spilt coffee also represents a never ending routine where she cleans up one mess and another appears. It is a life she is very unhappy with. The last lines of the poem reflect back to her being in the fantasy again, forgetting the daily routine. She is not nearly in love as before â€Å"not so wholly† as it appears each day takes more and more out of her. Her nights were also not peaceful as she woke dreading the routine of the very next day. Adrienne Rich’s poem shows the misery of a woman through the images created within the writing. The images of fantasy and reality are a sharp contrast. She tries to maintain the fantasy with the decor of the home when in reality she is not happy at all. She realizes that her relationship will not have a fairytale ending. The real sin is not living together unmarried but staying together in a loveless relationship. I can relate to this poem on a personal level. I believed my marriage was forever, certainly a fairytale thought. In reality we were not as happy as the images we created through our home. This poem struck me, as it is probably how my ex-wife felt for years while I ignored the signs. This poem portrays a sad reality in many women’s lives. While the man just expects the problem to fix itself.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

College Pressures

College Pressures In the article, College Pressures, William Zinsser shows parents the burdens that college students have while they are in school. In the essay he states the four pressures that the students face: economic, parental, peer, and self-induced. The reader can be easily confused when Zinsser first begins the essay. It starts off with someone writing notes to someone else, but who is speaking? Zinsser then follows this by fully explaining who is writing the notes, a student, and who he is talking to, his dean.He is explaining that the student is full of pressure and feels he cannot take it anymore. Zinsser makes the essay move along smoothly with the use of rhetorical questions and then answers them to prove a point he is making. The classical appeal Zinsser uses in College Pressure is ethos. He is telling the parents what is going on in the minds of the students and the pressures they build up for themselves. College Pressure is written in a fairly straightforward manner. Zinsser explains the situations without using such terminology that only college professor can comprehend.He also uses understandable metaphors that make the reading more interesting. For example, when he explains that no one is to blame for the pressures, he says, â€Å"Poor students, poor parents. They are caught in one of the oldest webs of love and duty and guilt. † This is a classification and division essay. Throughout it, Zinsser talks about what the pressures of the students are; economic, peer, parental, and self-induced. He then separately explains how each of the pressures effects the students. Zinsser speaks in a way that makes the reader want to continue reading.He is persistent in informing the reader about the pressures and tries very hard to get his point out to the parents. It may seem that throughout the essay, Zinsser sees the students in a totally negative way. He realizes this and states it to the reader. He tells the parents, â€Å"I have painted too d rab a portrait of today’s students, making them seem a solemn lot. † This is not his purpose at all. He is trying to explain that college is not a time to have all these extreme pressures that the students induce on themselves.He ends this essay in a way that shows the parents that lots of people go to college and change their paths several times before actually choosing what they want to be. He does this as a way of saying that it is alright to go to college unsure of what you want to be. Things will work out in the end. William Zinsser is just trying to let parents know that college students have enough on their minds and they don’t need their parents giving them a hard time about what to do with their lives. For the sake of their children, he wants the parents to be as supportive as possible.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 15

Case study - Assignment Example Some basic product lines sold by TerraCycle include picture frames and line of clocks. Material which is conventionally considered non-recyclable like vinyl records is used to introduce new products. Bags also form an important product line which is pretty long. Bike pouches made from energy bar wrappers form an important constituent of this line. At this stage of the company’s growth, product line extension would make more sense for TerraCycle to stay ahead of the game and gain a competitive edge over rival organic manufacturers. The current products are topnotch and very reliable, but more variety is needed to fuel the business and address needs of a diverse line of customers. It should be remembered that the present day business environment is fiercely competitive. How well do TerraCycle’s bottles perform the four packaging functions discussed in this chapter? Compare TerraCycle’s products to Miracle-Gro’s ( Do you think TerraCycle’s package design distinguishes their products well enough from those of the industry giant, or are they similar enough to cause customer confusion? TerraCycle does not distinguish its products well enough from those of the industry giant, the Scotts. This is why the Scotts had to sue TerraCycle for copying their labels and advertisement techniques. TerraCycle finally reached a settlement with its rival company and agreed to modify its packaging. Though the package design is not similar enough to cause customer confusion, it nevertheless hurts the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The cognitive and biological approaches to Panic Disorder Essay

The cognitive and biological approaches to Panic Disorder - Essay Example Donald Klein's biological view of PD as a medical disease and David Clark's cognitive view of panic as an escalation of physiological activation due to catastrophic misinterpretations of bodily symptoms was a main point of argues about PD nature. The common features of PD include a racing or pounding heartbeat; dizziness and lightheadedness; feeling that "I can't catch my breath"; chest pains or a "heaviness" in the chest; flushes or chills; tingling in the hands, feet, legs, arms; jumpiness, trembling, twitching muscles; sweaty palms, flushed face; terror; fear of losing control; fear of a stroke that will lead to disability; fear of dying; fear of going crazy, etc. Sometimes stomach disorders are seen (Lydiard, 1994).A panic attack typically lasts several long minutes and is one of the most distressing conditions a person can experience. In some cases, panic attacks have been known to last for longer periods of time or to recur very quickly over and over again. The aftermath of a panic attack is very painful. The greatest fear is that the panic attack will come back again and again, making life too miserable to bear (Warshaw,2000). Panic is not necessarily brought on by a recognizable circumstance, and it may remain a mystery to the person involved. At other times, excessive stress or other negative life conditions can trigger an attack (Katerndahl,2000). Much research was carried out to understanding the biological and psychological mechanisms of PD and to developing effective treatments. A working consensus has been reached regarding its clinical features (as laid down in DSM-IV) and guidelines for its psychological or pharmacological treatments are delineated in documents from the NIH and the American Psychiatric Association. A number of theories have been suggested and tested. The majority of them are based on biochemical or physiological markers. Still, the exact etiology has not been found. The aim of this paper is to review the main theories of PD and to discuss them. Classification of theories 1. The serotonergic model suggests an exaggerated postsynaptic receptor response to synaptic serotonin. Recent studies report subsensitivity of 5HT1A receptors. The 5HT system or one of its subsystems may play a role in the pathophysiology of panic disorder, the precise nature of which must be delineated by further investigation. 2. The catecholamine model postulates increased sensitivity to adrenergic CNS discharges, with hypersensitivity of presynaptic alpha-2 receptors. 3. Similarly, the locus ceruleus model explains that panic symptoms are due to increased local discharge resulting in adrenergic neuron stimulation, similar to the more general catecholamine theory. Locus ceruleus activity also affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, which can respond abnormally to clonidine in patients with panic disorder. 4. The lactate model focuses on symptom production by postulated aberrant metabolic activity induced by lactate. 5. The false suffocation carbon

Monday, October 7, 2019

Behavior of Activities of Thymidine Metabolizing Enzymes in Human Article

Behavior of Activities of Thymidine Metabolizing Enzymes in Human Leukemia-Lymphoma Cells - Article Example The studies were conducted with cell cultures obtained from 13 human leukemia-lymphoma cell lines consisting of T- and B-cell lines as well as Non-T- and Non-B- cell lines. The various enzymes were assayed in extracts obtained from cells subjected to rapid freezing and thawing in liquid nitrogen. Activities of the catabolic enzymes were higher by several orders of magnitude compared to the synthetic enzymes in normal cells. However, in all leukemia-lymphoma cells examined, the thymidine degrading enzyme activities were decreased for example, by 5-42% in the case of dihydro thymine dehydrogenase (with the complete absence of DHT DH activity noted in chronic myelogenous leukemia K-562 cells) and up to 38% in the case of TP relative to normal cells. In contrast, the activities of the synthetic enzymes namely, thymidylate synthase and TK were increased significantly by up to 407 times and up to 79 times, respectively of the normal human lymphocytes. Thymidine is utilized by cells both for DNA synthesis and energy production through oxidation to CO2 and water. Therefore, the reduction in the activity of the thymidine degrading enzymes is also important since it would lead to the enhanced availability of the compound for DNA synthesis. Furthermore, the enhanced activities of the thymidine synthesizing enzymes would also contribute to DNA synthesis which is  essential for rapid cell growth and proliferation. A comparison of kinetic properties of the catabolic enzymes, DHT DH and TP in the normal lymphocytes showed that the specific activity of DHT DH was considerably less than that of phosphorylase thereby indicating that DHT DH is the rate-limiting enzyme and, therefore, a better enzyme to evaluate the capacity of human leukemia-lymphoma cells to degrade thymidine. Thymidine kinase (TK) converts thymidine, or deoxythymidine (dT) to the respective monophosphate.  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Organizational Behaviour Cases Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Organizational Behaviour Cases Analysis - Essay Example As what usually happens, differing responsibility requirements cause communication issues between managers and employees because many managers have a hard time balancing task and social-emotional role demands; in the case of Helen (who used to have a very satisfactory working relationship with Dan), she might just be overwhelmed with her new responsibilities and it is possible that she too -- just like the rest of the firm’s rank and file -- have her own private worries about the future of her career that caused her to change her ways in dealing with those under her command. Millennium’s downward communication structure exacerbates the adjustment difficulties taking place since the merger. In an ideal scenario, Helen should have established an open door policy wherein any organizational member below her (most especially Dan) can communicate directly without going through the chain. Likewise, she must place Dan in the picture and enlighten him on what is to be expected from the merger and how this will affect their standing in the company, how such organizational development might influence the way their career paths will go and how the two companies’ coalition will shape their future. However, this is not what has actually taken place. Together with the change in organizational structure, Helen also changed her methods of dealing with Dan; she has become mum about things that should have been discussed and just went about her way as if no drastic changes have transpired within the company. She has become so inaccessible that Dan started to distrust her; her â€Å"remoteness† amplified the anxieties that Dan has been going through since Millennium decided to merge with the Chicago-based organization. Similarly, despite the practiced downward communication structure within the company, Dan should have taken the initiative to talk to Helen and open up his apprehensions and concerns about his future with the firm so that he wouldn’t

Saturday, October 5, 2019

International Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Marketing - Essay Example The emphasis of this discussion focuses on how leadership and organizational structure can help companies become more effective at international business affairs. In order for a company to succeed it must develop its human capital and have managerial team that is able to lead the organization to achieve greater things. If the leaders of a company do not prepare the organization for expansion the possibility of international business activity are non-existent. Going global does not occur overnight, there is preparation that must take place within the organization and in its corporate culture. Corporate culture can be defined as a system of shared actions, values, and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members (Shermerhorn, Osborn, Hunt, 2003). The leaders of the company have to instill confidence and change the mindset of the employee so that fear of failure is not constraint that inhibits international expansion plans. There are different leadership styles that can help a manager become the type of leader that lead a company and its employees towards international business proliferation. The person in a corporation that has control over the strategic path of an organization is its chief executive officer (CEO). This individual is responsible for the financial performance of the company and has power to change the organization, while at the same time the CEO must motivate and inspire the staff of the firm. Among the leadership styles that could be used to lead a global organization are situational leadership, charismatic leadership, and transformational leadership. A situational leadership application is Fielder’s contingency theory. Fielder’s contingency theory stipulates that the leader’s style adapt and become appropriate to the situation based on three factors: leader-member relations, task structure, and position power

Friday, October 4, 2019

Artificial Intellengence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Artificial Intellengence - Research Paper Example Over period of time advancements kept coming in this area and today we have robots that can talk, act and move just like human beings, all to artificial intelligence. In modern times the term was introduced by John McCarthy in the year 1956. Artificial intelligence can be distinguished into various branches that include Perceptive system, vision system, robotics and expert system and neural networks in prime. The A.I equipped machines find large number of uses in modern day, and a prime example can be quoted from the fire fighter machines that are built for purpose of going into the fire blazed buildings and rescuing many lives. In manufacturing industry, A.I finds its use through the assembly line production where automatic transmission and processing takes place, and the system is pre fed and all activities take place in a programmed manner. Neural networks a branch of artificial intelligence finds large number of applications in modern times in form of voice recognition softwares implementation, and face detection .Various programming languages are used for A.I interpretation, one of them being LISP. Finally the main features of A.I can be summed up as plant layout in an industry, help desk, emergency situation movements, shipping and warehouse

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Rockin Beats Essay Example for Free

Rockin Beats Essay Rockin Beats is a music store which has two branches located in the United Arab Emirates. One branch is located in Sharjah and the other in Dubai. The Rockin Beats store in Dubai offers: * Latest titles in pop, rock and dance * The expanding collection offers over 1000 CDs including live versions * CDs are digitally re-mastered for the best sound * Reasonable prices and special offers Rockin Beats has a total staff of 19 who are constantly working to provide the best service. The staff of 19 consists of 6 shop assistants, 1 sales manger, 3 sales staff, 1 accountant and 1 assistant accountant, 1 sound engineer, 1 purchasing manager, 3 cashiers, 1 storekeeper, 1 secretary and the chairman Mr Jason Smith. Current System In order to investigate the problem with the current system there had to be some research done, which involved interviewing the chairman, Mr Smith and the customers. Mr Smith, aged 42 has lot of experience in the trade and is constantly trying to make the store more profitable. His main concern seems to be the inefficiency of the system as its a manual system. In order to increase the efficiency, the current system will have to be automated. At present, shop assistants are concentrating more on there manual work rather than giving time for customers. An automated system will create friendly customer service and increase the efficiency there by making Rockin Beats a more profitable organisation. In the current system, when a CD arrives to the store the name of the CD, album name and price are noted down on a sheet and placed in alphabetical order in a filing cabinet, which is placed in the store. When a customer buys a CD, an invoice with the price and album ID, handwritten by the cashier is given to the customer. After the cashier has about ten invoices, the invoices are sent through a shop assistant to the accounts department which takes about 10 minutes. An accountant searches for the sales file in the filing cabinet and writes down the sold CDs and places the file back in the sales cabinet. The invoices are then passed on to the store keeper who ticks off the CDs sold on the stock control file and then removes the CDs from the filing cabinet in the store. Copies of the invoices are stored in another filing cabinet in alphabetical order of the album name. The store keeper has to constantly refer to the stock control file in order to check that the CDs are available. When the stocks become low the store keeper calls Mega Star (the local music distributor) and places an order. If the a customer wants a particular CD and asks a shop assistant to check whether its available, he or she will have to refer to the filing cabinet to check if the CD wanted is available. Communications between the two branches are made using the telephone, fax or post. By the end of each month the sales and cost are calculated manually using a calculator. These calculations are then checked by another accountant to make sure that the figures are correct. In order to check the effectiveness of this system the customers were interviewed in order to obtain their opinions. Fifty questionnaires with six questions on the important factors of the music store were randomly given out to the customers entering the store. The results from this questionnaire are shown below: For Question 1 What do you think of our service provided? Excellent Good Need Improvements The pie chart above shows that 74% of the people thought that the store needed improvements. From question 2 on the questionnaire, What improvements would you like to see?, the customers wanted the staff to be quick in searching for CDs, wanted a service where the CDs not available could be ordered and more shop assistants to offer help. Question 3, What do you think about the time taken at the cashier? Good Needs to be faster Question 4 What do you think about the location of the store? Easily accessible Difficult to access Question 5 was If you chose difficult to access, where would your preferred location be? For this question Dubai was the preferred location to the customers as 44 customers (88%) thought that the store was easily accessible. The last question was about the parking facility, What do you think about the parking at the store? Good Need more spaces The bar chart above shows that 46 customers (92%) think that the parking facilities are good. So this factor will not have to be considered as the customers are pleased with it. The results from the questionnaire show that a greater number of people want the check out process to be quicker. This means that the new system should contain a faster check out process, faster search facilities and the service of ordering music. The location of the store and parking facilities are fine according to the customers. The current system seems to contain a great deal of problems, which are: * Prone to errors as there are lot of human involvements * Information is stored in filing cabinets, making queries difficult * Processes are very time consuming and inefficient * Calculations have to be double-checked * Difficult to keep back up copies * Filing cabinets can get unorganised leading to errors and wastage of time Data Flow of the current system The hardware in the current system is a calculator, a typewriter and filing cabinets. These are very old and inefficient types of hardware used for processing and storing information. This system needs to be computerised in order to make it efficient and organised. A database can be used to create a system which is easy to understand, which means the staff wouldnt require much training, a basic knowledge in computers would be enough. Carrying out tasks on the data stored in the database would be easier and quicker. The system could also be made more secure by adding a password. Back up copies of the data can be stored in case the system crashes. Computerising the system will also mean that communications between the two branches and Mega Star (the local music distributor) will be much faster due to the use of the Internet. Methods such as E-mail, internet telephony and video-conferencing can be used to communicate. There are a few disadvantages in computerising the system as follows: * The initial cost of setting up the system will be high * Use of the internet will make the system insecure as hackers can get into areas with sensitive data * Danger of virus spreading throughout the whole organisation. * Elimination of certain jobs. The advantages of computerising the system are far greater than the disadvantages, which means that a certain tasks will have to be performed on the system, which are: 1. Enter all data in filing cabinets into the database. E.g. Album name, artist, genre, year, etc. 2. Create a query to find a particular CD. 3. Create forms for tables so that data can be entered easily. 4. Create an invoice so that the cashiers only have to enter certain information such as album ID, album name, artist/band and price. 5. Create a form for customer comments. E.g. if a customer wants a particular CD, he or she can place an order through this form. 6. Making the system simple and user friendly so that a person with a moderate knowledge of IT can use it. The program which I will use to create the database and perform the tasks is Microsoft Access. This database will be created for users with moderate skills. The users should be able to carry out queries, add entries and making sure that the system is up-to-date. The shop assistants should check the customer comments daily in order to get the required CDs in time for the customers. When the requested CDs have arrived, the entries for those CDs in the customer comments must be deleted and new entries should be made in the tables. The storekeeper must check the invoices daily to make sure that stocks are available. When using Microsoft Access the computers must have certain features to run the program efficiently. These are the hardware specifications: * Pentium III, 700 MHz terminals (each with 128 MB RAM) * Flat screen monitors for use with the store by shop assistants and cashiers. * Normal Monitors for use in departments. * Main server (with 100 GB) networks all the terminals so that they can access the database. * Keyboards * Mouse * 3.5 floppy drives * CD-ROM drives * Printers used for printing receipts and used by other departments such as the accounts department for keeping hardcopies of information. * Modems used for connecting to the internet to get information on CDs. The software requirements are: * MS Access 2002 * Windows XP Performance Criteria In order to maintain the efficiency and standard of Rockin Beats, certain procedures have to be followed when performing tasks: * All documents of the company must contain the letterhead, address, telephone number and date. * Password must be alphanumeric. This reduces the chances of being hacked. * The password must be changed every month to reduce the risk of hacking. * The customer comments form must be checked everyday in order to get the music wanted by the customer as soon as possible. * The anti-virus software must be up dated every two months to reduce the risk of new viruses entering. * When downloading information or software from the internet the 2 stand alone computers must be used. If a virus enters only the computer being used will be damaged, not the entire network. * The system must be backed up every month, in case of a system failure and information is lost. * Database must be updated as soon as new CDs arrive. * On the table Other Information on CDs, in the field Year the validation rule must be changed in the month of December of each year. E.g. the current validation rule is that data entered must be Between 1960 And 2002. In December this year it should be changed to Between 1960 And 2003.